Resisto 65650 Elastomeric Sealant, Paste, Black, 10 oz, Cartridge

Mastic containing elastomeric bitumen, volatile solvents, asbestos-free fibers and mineral fillers to use with Resisto waterproofing membranes and strips. Can also be used as a caulking mastic and for filling joints and cracks.
Techniseal 140-701 Weatherproof Sealant, Clear, 300 mL Tube

TECHNISEAL? weatherproof sealant adheres to almost any surface like shingles, sheet metal, aluminum, copper, glass, wood and PVC, found on a sloped roof. It is also compatible with gutters and similar structures. Highly recommended before the application of TECHNISEAL? elastomeric roof coating. Not compatible with polysterene foam. Not resistant to solvents.
Resisto 53030 Roof Coating, Black, 3.78 L, Pallet, Liquid

Composed of selected bitumen, fast evaporating solvent, cellulosic fibers and mineral fillers. It is designed to restore existing multilayer asphalt roofs to extend their service life.
Henry HE104Q027 Spray Primer, Black, 17 oz Can, Liquid

Henry 104Q QuikDry asphalt spray primer (AEROSOL CAN) is a light-bodied, asphalt based material designed for priming surfaces prior to the application of hot-mopped or cold applied asphalt coatings, roof cements and asphalt based roof and flooring adhesives. Its highly penetrating qualities help assure a firm, tough bond.
Resisto 53021 Non-Fibrous Coating, Black, 18.9 L, Pallet, Liquid

Composed of bitumen and fast evaporating solvent. It is completely waterproof and may also be in contact with roof details (concrete chimneys, metallic ashing).
Resisto 53031 Roof Coating, Black, 18.9 L, Viscous Liquid

The fibrous roof coating is composed of selected bitumen, fast-evaporating solvent, cellulosic fibers and mineral fillers. It is designed to restore existing multi-layer asphalt roofs to extend their service life.
53020 3.78L NON FIBER ROOF COA - Case of 4

The non-fibrous roof coating is composed of bitumen and fast-evaporating solvent. It is completely waterproof and may also be in contact with roof details.

Bakor 810-09 is a high-quality, medium consistency, solvent-type asphalt roof coating composed of specially selected asphalts and graded fibers and fillers. Suitable for brush or spray applications, Bakor 810-09 is used to restore surface of worn or weathered asphalt, metal or roll roofing. A protective coating on new, smooth surface roofing, it also can be used as a general purpose coating for gutters, flashings, monitors and metal work.